Yoga4Health with The Yoga In Healthcare Alliance


Yoga In Healthcare Alliance (YIHA) is a UK-registered charity devoted to integrating the advantages of yoga into healthcare. YIHA works with the NHS and different well being professionals to help sufferers and assist them make life-style adjustments. YIHA was commissioned by the NHS to create the 10-week Yoga4Health social prescribing programme which is delivered by Yoga4Health academics within the UK and overseas.

Paul Fox, Chief Working Officer, Yoga In Healthcare Alliance says…

“The Yoga4Health programme is about empowering individuals to find how a lot better they will really feel by adopting a easy every day yoga apply. A big proportion of sickness may very well be averted or mitigated if individuals grew to become extra lively and adjusted unhealthy behaviours for wholesome ones. Activating sufferers to really feel they’re in charge of their well being and may take steps to spice up their bodily and psychological wellbeing is essential. On the similar time, our programme goals to take them on a gorgeous journey into their physique, breath and thoughts to grow to be extra accepting, conscious, aware and type to themselves. It’s self-care by tapping into this highly effective mind-body drugs: yoga”.

I used to be drawn to coaching as a Yoga4Health instructor as thought it was really nice to listen to of an organisation that was linking yoga with healthcare to assist individuals to enhance their very own wellbeing, one that’s inclusive, accessible and would additionally scale back the burden on the NHS by way of lowered want for GP appointments. The Yoga4Healthcare programme is for NHS sufferers who’re: liable to Kind 2 diabetes, heart problems, affected by stress, anxiousness,  delicate to trendy despair or social isolation.

The Yoga4Health programme is actually accessible as members can practise the set sequence from their chair or a yoga mat. What I like is the truth that everybody begins the opening sequence from the chair. Fellow graduate of Yoga4Health, Dr Chang and I’ve included some snippets from the protocol to point out you.

Deepest gratitude to Heather Mason & Paul Fox of YIHA for his or her dedication to growing such an excellent programme. Beneath are just a few postures from the programme, detailing chair and mat choices.

The props which can be wanted for a typical Yoga4Health protocol are: Chair, mat, foam block, blanket and belt

The apply begins and ends with sitting bringing consideration to your breath. The breath apply builds all through the ten weeks from observing breath, shifting to an ocean breath and a coherent, equal ratio breath by the tip of the ten week programme. Members are directed to their breath by way of apply.

1. Seated Twist

Floor ft on mat or foam block if wanted for consolation. Inhale, with a tall backbone, exhale to the correct. Maintain for 2-3 breaths. Inhale, flip your head solely to the centre. Take  2 extra breaths. Return to centre and repeat on Left. Twists are liberating for the backbone and launch rigidity. The Seated Twist is a part of the opening sequence which is seated for all.

2. Light BackBend

Carry arms behind again to the place it’s snug and maintain the edges of the chair. Roll shoulders again and down, lifting the chest, draw shoulder blades collectively. Maintain for 4-5 breaths. Then fold ahead to launch and luxuriate in a decrease again stretch for just a few breaths. This Backbend is a part of the opening sequence which is seated for all.

3. Chair Hamstring stretch

Sit with a tall backbone, shoulders away from ears. Maintain the belt evenly in every hand. Inhale, bend proper knee, exhale stretch leg away, lengthen to the place feels snug. That is nice for opening and lengthening the hamstrings. Repeat this 4-5 instances. If you find yourself prepared to change legs, floor the correct foot, pause earlier than repeating on left leg.

Mat Hamstring stretch

If snug help the pinnacle and neck with a folded blanket. Maintain the belt evenly in every hand. Inhale, bend proper knee, exhale stretch leg in direction of ceiling, lengthen to the place feels snug. Repeat 4-5 instances. If you find yourself prepared to change sides floor the correct foot and pause earlier than repeating on the left leg. Hold the pelvis in touch with the mat all through the apply.

4. Chair Down Canine

Use the again of the chair. Inhale look forwards, exhale, take Down Canine, aiming to align head inside higher arms. Inhale, maintain Down Canine, deal with size within the backbone; exhale and look forwards once more. Repeat this 3-5 instances sustaining connection to your breath. Utilizing the again of the chair removes the burden from the shoulders and wrists which can supply extra accessibility for some members.

Mat Down Canine

Use a folded blanket to help knees. Come to all fours, tuck toes, inhale lengthen backbone. Exhale, raise the hips excessive, keep on toes/balls of ft, knees bent. Inhale, maintain Down Canine and additional lengthen backbone if snug. Exhale, decrease knees. Repeat 3-5 instances, shifting with breath. Posture might be held if that feels snug over shifting dynamically.

5. Chair Warrior II

Sit comfortably with a tall backbone, open proper hip and end up left leg, Draw palms collectively as you inhale, flip head, lengthen arms away,  Exhale return to centre, repeating 4-5 instances. Protecting connection to breath as you progress, noticing area in chest and hips. Pause earlier than repeating on L aspect.

If members can stand with help of the chair, the Mat Warrior II described  beneath  might be adopted with one arm on the chair as the opposite arm extends as knee bends on inhale. Straighten leg and attract arm on exhale, repeat 4-5 instances.

Mat Warrior II

Dealing with the lengthy aspect of your mat,  take as extensive of a stance as is snug. Flip proper leg out to roughly 80 levels. Carry palms collectively, inhale, flip head, lengthen arms and lunge proper leg. Attempt to preserve the knee according to the 2nd toe throughout this lunge. Shifting with the breath transfer straighten let after which lunge again into Warrior II 5 instances on proper leg. Exhale and return to the beginning place. If you find yourself prepared to change sides, convey the ft collectively and pause earlier than repeating on left.


6. Tree Pose with Chair

Utilizing the again of a Chair presents stability for members which can be capable of stand. Begin by holding the chair, root left foot down into the mat and produce proper heel to ankle or shin, turning Proper hip out. If snug, raise the correct arm, extending it like a tree department. This pose helps to construct stability and stability. If you find yourself prepared to vary sides floor the correct foot, pause and repeat on the opposite aspect. Maintain all sides of Tree Pose for 4-5 breaths.

Tree Pose with out Chair

Use a wall for stability if wanted. Increase the correct heel inserting it beneath or above the left knee. Keep consciousness of your breath as you press the thigh and foot into one another. Inhale, elevate arms overhead, exhale and root into your tree for five breaths. Floor and pause earlier than repeating with the left leg.

For extra info of Yoga4Health protocol please go to Yoga In Healthcare Alliance website.

Yvonne is a Yogamatters Neighborhood Chief. She began practising yoga in 2006 and has been instructing since 2018. Yvonne holds a 350-hour Yoga Instructor Diploma and 33-hour Restorative Practices, each from triyoga, London. Earlier than instructing yoga, Yvonne had an extended profession as a HR Enterprise Associate. Within the spring of 2020, she switched to full time yoga instructing to attain private stability and to share the advantages of Restorative & Hatha Yoga. Yvonne’s instructing is aware, grounded and alignment centered. She is enthusiastic about Restorative Yoga and the advantages it will possibly have on our our bodies.