Move Resistance out of the Way With Spatial Anchoring


Ever found yourself stuck in a conversation with someone who’s nothing but a walking, talking wall of resistance? Sometimes, when you’re trying to make a point, they insist on coming back to the same repetitive argument over and over.

What if I told you there’s a way to get past that wall without a bulldozer? Enter the technique of spatial anchoring—a powerful tool in your communication arsenal, especially when dealing with the naysayers. In this blog post and accompanying video, we’ll explain how it works and how to use it.

What is Spatial Anchoring?

Imagine if you could take someone’s disruptive arguments and literally move them to the side. That’s spatial anchoring. This technique involves treating the argument as if it were a physical object. You acknowledge it, ‘pick it up’ (metaphorically speaking), and ‘move’ it aside for the time being.

This method works because it helps the other person’s brain to visualize their objection as being set aside. Out of sight, out of mind, right? This mental movement allows the conversation to flow more freely, as the immediate obstacle is no longer in the direct line of discussion. It’s like clearing the brush so you can see the path forward.

How to Apply Spatial Anchoring

  1. Acknowledge: First, recognize and validate the other person’s argument or objection. This shows that you are listening and respecting their viewpoint, which is crucial for maintaining rapport.
  2. Visualize: Next, extend your hands and ‘pick up’ that argument as if it were an object. It’s an explicit non-verbal signal that you’re considering their point.
  3. Move: Then, enact the movement of setting the argument aside, as if you’re physically moving the argument to a side table. This act is not dismissive but rather a way to temporarily shelf the issue.

Why Spatial Anchoring Works

Spatial anchoring taps deeply into how our brains process and store information, leveraging a fundamental concept from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): anchoring. To understand why spatial anchoring works so effectively, it’s crucial to grasp the mechanics behind NLP Anchoring.

The Basics of Anchoring in NLP

Anchoring in NLP refers to the process of associating an internal response with some external or internal trigger. This is just like Pavlov’s classical conditioning, where a stimulus becomes associated with a reaction. In everyday life, anchors can be as simple as a smell bringing back a flood of memories or a song that changes your mood.

In the context of spatial anchoring, the ‘movement’ of the argument acts as a physical gesture that serves as an anchor. By physically mimicking the action of moving something away, you create a visual and mental marker. When you move the impeding argument to the side, you’re setting an anchor in the spatial context, which tells the other person’s brain to associate the sidelining of the argument with a reduction in its immediate importance.

Enhancing Acceptance and Flexibility

When you perform spatial anchoring correctly, it doesn’t just sideline an argument; it shifts the listener’s cognitive focus. This mental shift allows for greater openness and flexibility in thinking. The person becomes more receptive to new information or perspectives because their mental resources are no longer entirely consumed by defending the ‘moved’ argument. This technique doesn’t erase or invalidate the argument; it simply reduces its psychological weight temporarily, making it easier for the conversation to progress in a more constructive manner.

Reinforcement Through Repetition

The more frequently a specific anchor is employed, the stronger the association becomes. In communication, consistently using spatial anchoring when encountering resistance helps reinforce the pattern of setting aside disagreements temporarily to focus on a more productive dialogue. Over time, this can train the interaction dynamic between you and the other person, smoothing the way for easier exchanges in the future.

But Be Genuine

Now, while spatial anchoring is effective, it’s crucial to remain sincere. If you come off as flippant or dismissive while performing this action, you might as well be talking to that brick wall again. Acknowledge the other person’s concerns genuinely before you ‘move’ them. This builds rapport and keeps the gates of communication open, rather than slamming them shut.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Are you ready to master the art of hypnosis and transform how you communicate, influence, and lead? At the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy (MMHA), we specialize in turning beginners into experts and enhancing the skills of seasoned professionals. Our focus is on practical, effective techniques that you can apply immediately, from spatial anchoring to advanced hypnotic strategies.

Whether you’re looking to improve your hypnosis techniques, boost your persuasive skills, or simply explore the fascinating world of hypnosis, MMHA is your ideal starting point. Join MMHA today and start your transformative journey in the world of hypnosis