Finding the World in a Blade of Grass


a baby looking at grass

I remember doing this as a very young child because I did it many times (and still do). I agree with Henry Miller 100 percent:

“I have a theory that the moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. I have tried this experiment a thousand times and I have never been disappointed.

The more I look at a thing, the more I see in it, and the more I see in it, the more I want to see. It is like peeling an onion. There is always another layer, and another, and another. And each layer is more beautiful than the last.

This is the way I look at the world. I don’t see it as a collection of objects, but as a vast and mysterious organism. I see the beauty in the smallest things, and I find wonder in the most ordinary events. I am always looking for the hidden meaning, the secret message. I am always trying to understand the mystery of life.

I know that I will never understand everything, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. I am content to live in the mystery, to be surrounded by the unknown. I am content to be a seeker, a pilgrim, a traveler on the road to nowhere.

~ Henry Miller, ‘Black Spring’

I think this is why the field of flower essences is so fascinating to me! The more I experience, the more my eyes are opened to a marvelous mysterious world. I learn more about this world all the time and, consequently, about myself as well.

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