What To Know For September’s Full Moon + How To Work With It


The complete moon peaks at 5:58 a.m. EST on Saturday, September 10. In keeping with astrologer Jennifer Racioppi, it lands within the signal of Pisces (the final signal of the zodiac wheel) and might be reverse (180 levels) the solar in Virgo.

“It is a deeply religious full moon—it is so introspective,” she tells mbg. Racioppi notes there are different astrological influences at play as effectively proper now, corresponding to six retrograde planets and a few important astrological “facets,” or angles, between the planets.

The sun-moon opposition, she says, combines Virgo’s potential to return to self, with Pisces’ deep reflection and religious perception. Plus, the moon is conjunct with Neptune, which is Pisces’ ruling planet. Mainly, that Neptune affect goes to amp up the Piscean themes of spirituality and emotion within the week forward.

After which, Racioppi says, we now have Uranus forming a sextile to the moon, with Uranus being the “Nice Awakener,” stirring breakthroughs and even disruption. “Uranus is saying, ‘Hey, there are new and thrilling methods of being right here,'” she provides. “So anticipate the sudden, search for that which is not apparent, and be inventive.”