Shifting from self-criticism to self-acceptance


These words speak to the resilience within each of us, a warrior spirit capable of weathering life’s storms. However, this inner strength often gets drowned out by the relentless voice of our inner critic.

Picture life as a vast tapestry, and every now and then, we find ourselves draped in the cloak of self-doubt. Our inner critic takes on the role of the harshest judge, whispering taunts of inadequacy, feeding imposter syndrome, and nourishing our deepest insecurities. Yet, in the spirit of Hernest’s poem, there’s an unconquerable soul within us, eager to break free from the chains of self-doubt.

The battle against the inner critic isn’t just a personal struggle; it’s a universal challenge. It’s a fight for everyone who has ever felt not good enough, unworthy, or inadequate. Here, we’ll explore various friendly and easy-to-understand ways to tame that inner critic.

20 Steps to Silence Self Doubt

  1. 1

    Practice Self-Compassion
    Embrace the transformative concept of self-compassion, treating yourself as kindly as you would a friend going through a tough time. Remember, being kind to yourself in moments of failure or self-doubt can motivate positive change.

  2. 2

    Recognise the Voice
    Your inner critic is like a sneaky saboteur, often going unnoticed. Start by being aware of when and where it tends to pop up. Identifying these triggers helps you mentally prepare to face and disarm your inner critic.

  3. 3

    Challenge Negative Thoughts
    Practice cognitive restructuring to challenge negative thoughts. When your inner critic whispers self-doubt, analyse the thought, ask for evidence supporting it, and consider alternative explanations. Often, you’ll find these assertions are based on irrational fears rather than facts.

  4. 4

    Reframe Your Self-Talk
    Shift from self-deprecation to self-empowerment. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” tell yourself, “I can give it my best effort and learn from the experience.” This change allows you to view challenges as opportunities for growth.

  5. 5

    Embrace Imperfection
    Recognise that perfection is a myth. Embrace your flaws, mistakes, and quirks as part of what makes you unique. Focus on your growth and the journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

  6. 6

    Set Realistic Expectations
    Unrealistic expectations create fertile ground for your inner critic. Set achievable goals, acknowledging that progress is often incremental. Success comes from consistent effort and learning from mistakes.

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    Surround Yourself with Positivity
    The people around you influence your inner critic. Seek out those who encourage and inspire you. Constructive, supportive environments counteract the negative influence of your inner critic.

  8. 8

    Visualisation and Affirmations
    Picture your success and repeat positive affirmations. This helps code your automatic thoughts differently, cultivating greater self-assurance and belief in your ability to achieve goals.

  9. 9

    Silence the Inner Critic with Mindfulness
    Practice mindfulness to observe thoughts without judgment. This helps you respond to them in a controlled and compassionate way, reducing the influence of your inner critic.

  10. 10

    Seek Professional Help
    If your inner critic feels deeply ingrained, seeking help from a therapist can provide tools, strategies, and a safe space to explore the underlying causes of self-criticism.

  11. 11

    Keep a Journal
    Externalise your inner critic’s comments by journaling. Respond to negative thoughts with self-compassionate and rational counterarguments, gaining clarity and insight into your self-criticism.

  12. 12

    Recognise Your Achievements
    Celebrate your accomplishments, big or small, acknowledging the effort, perseverance, and progress that led to success. Document these moments as tangible reminders of your capabilities.

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    Practice Gratitude
    Shift your perspective by practicing gratitude. Focus on the positive aspects of your life, cultivating an optimistic outlook and reducing the influence of your inner critic’s negative narratives.

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    Learn from Mistakes
    View mistakes as opportunities for growth. Reflect on what went wrong and what you can learn from the experience. Embracing mistakes encourages resilience, adaptability, and personal development.

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    Develop Self-Awareness
    Build a fortress against your inner critic by practicing self-awareness. Identify when your inner critic is most active and understand the triggers. This heightened awareness helps you respond from a place of conscious self-reflection.

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    Surround Yourself with Creativity
    Engage in creative activities to reconnect with your inner self and foster self-expression. Creative pursuits provide an escape from self-doubt and promote moments of joy and self-discovery.

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    Use Humour
    Disarm your inner critic with humour. Find the absurdity in your self-doubt, approaching it with a lighthearted perspective. Laughter undermines the power of your inner critic.

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    Let Go of Comparisons
    Release the detrimental habit of comparing yourself to others. Focus on personal growth, accepting your journey, experiences, and identity as valid and valuable.

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    Self-Care Prioritise physical, emotional, and mental well-being through regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and relaxation. Self-care enhances resilience to your inner critic’s influence.

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    Meditate on Self-Love
    Meditate on self-love for deep self-acceptance and appreciation. Confront your inner critic with kindness, creating a mental space where self-compassion flourishes.

In the intricate dance of self-discovery, These strategies become tools to overcoming self-doubt and building self-trust. 

The path to taming your inner critic may be winding, but it’s a journey worth undertaking. With each step towards self-compassion, each challenge to negative self-talk, and each celebration of our achievements, we chip away at the armour of self-doubt. As we absorb the lessons of imperfection, realistic expectations, and self-love, we emerge as resilient warriors in the battle for our own self-worth.