Feeling Baby Kick! 25 Weeks Pregnant with an Anterior Placenta


Hey friends, and happy Friday!

Oh my gosh you guys – I don’t know if you’ve ever had to “show” your house when you move, but my goodness…I don’t think I’ve ever vacuumed this much in my entire life.

We’re talking multiple times a day, whenever we have showing….you’ve gotta have those “vacuum lines”…you know what I mean? The stripes of fluffy, clean, freshly vacuumed lines. It actually really does make a huge difference in making the whole space feel really crisp and clean.

ANYWAY — enough about vacuuming….


Being pregnant with our daughter has been one of the most exciting times of my life. I am truly having the most joyful, magnificent time. I feel good, there is so much excitement in the air, my husband is already absolutely in love with her, and everyone in our lives is just completely overjoyed for us. It is such a beautiful time.

And being that I’m 25 weeks now (!!!) I’m finally able to feel her kicking! Which is so fun. I have an anterior placenta, which means that my placenta is on the “opposite” side than it is supposed to form. Nothing dangerous. But it’s on my “stomach side” of my uterus, rather than my spine-side. Which means that it’s taken me longer to feel her kick, since she has to have a powerful enough kick for me to feel through both the skin AND the placenta.

Anywho. Feeling her kick is absolutely mind blowing. Yesterday, I actually felt her do a somersault!!! All of a sudden it felt like this iceberg was emerging from the water, and it was like her head (or her rump) was pushing straight through the middle of my belly! I was cooking lunch, and I touched my belly, and there was this round mass right in the middle that isn’t usually there. It was for sure a head!

But it was so wild. I could feel the sensation spread throughout my entire body – down to my toes!

Steven is having a ball with it too. His favorite thing to do when we’re relaxing and watching TV, or sitting together at dinner is to just have his hand on my belly and feel her kick.

I can tell it’s really bonding for him. He talks to my belly and sometimes she’ll kick in response to his voice. I swear, she can recognize it!

She also kicks a lot when I eat cheese and peanut butter! (Not together! lol!) But I think she really likes those foods!

And it’s fascinating too because she definitely has some “wake/sleep” windows. She is pretty quiet during the day…I think all my moving around and walking kind of rocks her to sleep. But then come around 7pm when I’m winding down and getting horizontal, she is just gearing up. And that’s when I feel her the most. She’s moving around and kicking, and having some kind of dance party in there.

But honestly, it’s the most beautiful thing to feel because it reminds me that there’s really life that is growing inside. There is a little human who is alive and literally kicking, and pretty soon in just a couple months, she’s going to be out of the womb and in our arms. It is just so surreal.

But it is just undeniable that there is a child living in my womb. Our daughter. And our love for her is just exploding, every day. With every kick it grows stronger and is more profound and real. We love her so so much already, I can’t imagine how much more intense this feeling is going to be when we’re actually holding her in our arms. Listening to her coos. Watching her smile and yawn and giggle. Smelling her new baby scent. Having her grip our finger with her tiny, little hand.

I cannot wait.

Anyway, I just wanted to update you on that.

Things around here have been so incredibly busy and like a whirlwind. (And going to bed by 9 every night isn’t helping my productivity)….especially given that in the past, my main blogging time had been between the hours of 7 and midnight!!

Anywho – I hope everyone has a beautiful evening, and a wonderful weekend!

I’ll talk to you on Monday!

xox Caralyn