10 Ways to Raise Low Self Esteem in 2024


Embarking on a journey towards self-love is akin to navigating the unexplored realms of one’s own consciousness. As an avid advocate for personal development, today I want to delve into the profound topic of self-loathing and low self esteem.

In this article, we’ll unravel the intricate layers of where low self esteem comes from, exploring its origins, the modern-day factors that exacerbate it, and most importantly, how to foster radical self-love to break free from its clutches.

Self-loathing, at its core, is an intense dislike of oneself, encompassing feelings of inadequacy and a distorted self-image. This psychological phenomenon can be traced back to various factors, with childhood experiences playing a pivotal role.

Research suggests that the relationship we develop with ourselves is heavily influenced by our primary caregivers. Those fortunate enough to experience a secure and loving childhood tend to cultivate a positive self-image, while others may grapple with self-hate if early relationships lacked emotional security.

The impact of past traumas, whether experienced during adolescence or adulthood, can further contribute to self-loathing.

Failed relationships, conflicts with friends or partners, and unresolved issues from the past can leave lasting scars on one’s self-perception. 

Social media, with its pervasive influence, plays a crucial role in intensifying dissatisfaction by fostering unrealistic beauty standards and exacerbating feelings of inadequacy through constant comparison.

Environmental triggers, negative inner critics, and the societal pressure to meet unrealistic standards also contribute to the perpetuation of self-loathing.

Unhealthy relationships, whether with parents, spouses, or friends, can further fuel the destructive cycle, leading to a constant quest for external validation

Recognising the factors that contribute to self-loathing is the first step toward liberation. By identifying self-hate as a detrimental psychological pattern, individuals can initiate a transformative journey towards radical self-love. 

How to Overcome Low Self Esteem and Self-Loathing:

Recognise and challenge negative self-talk, realising that these thoughts are not factual but harmful patterns.

Acknowledge the unfairness of living in cycles of self-hate and commit to building a positive relationship with yourself, giving yourself time, attention, and determination.

Engage in physical activity to release endorphins, restore balance, and improve overall well-being.

Understand when, why, and around whom you feel your worst self, and reflect on the circumstances triggering these feelings.

Educate yourself on self-esteem myths and adopt a more neutral approach towards successes and failures, prioritising action over self-perception.

Document your journey towards self-improvement through journaling and meditation, fostering self-reflection in times of crisis.

Explore past experiences to identify contributing factors to self-loathing

Challenge the validity of negative self-perceptions by reframing thoughts and recognising the subjective nature of feelings.

Consider therapy if self-compassion is challenging or external support is desired.

Look at the Bigger Picture

People are mostly focused on themselves. Overall you are relatively insignificant to others. Remember this to liberate yourself from constant preoccupation with others’ opinions.

In conclusion, the journey to raise your low self esteem is a profound exploration of your inner landscape. By acknowledging the roots of self-hate and embracing radical self-love, you can break free from the vicious cycles that hinder personal growth and well-being.

The emphasis should not solely be on maintaining an elevated sense of self but cultivating a balanced self-perception resilient to external triggers. 

Through unwavering self-compassion and unconditional love, you can embark on a journey towards genuine freedom and a more fulfilling life.