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Magic Present of Consciousness – Be Right here Now Community 2022

Joseph Goldstein continues unfolding his map of knowledge by bearing on the magic present of consciousness, the legislation of karma, dependent origination, and cultivating compassion.

This recording was initially revealed on Dharma Seed
The Magic Present of Consciousness

Joseph briefly recaps half one among his discuss on the unfolding map of knowledge. He talks about how our notion of the world is conditioned in varied methods and the way understanding the “magic present of consciousness” can assist us in our lives. Joseph explores the legislation of karma and the significance of the motivation behind our actions. 

“That is what the Buddha referred to as the ‘magic present of consciousness.’ You realize, in a roundabout way, our consciousness, working by the sense equipment, is setting up the world, our view of the world.” – Joseph Goldstein

Raghu Markus and Dr. Robert Svoboda dig deeper into the legislation of karma in Mindrolling Ep. 218
Tumbling Mode (22:15)

Joseph makes use of the world of speech for instance of inspecting the motivations behind our actions. He talks about how taking note of the motivation behind our speech could be a very highly effective approach of integrating mindfulness into our every day lives. Joseph touches on the idea of dependent origination and the significance of getting comfy with discomfort.

“Are we actually taking note of the motivation behind our speech, or do the phrases merely tumble out? My expertise is, most of the time, until we actually undertake it as a observe, that they’re in tumbling mode. You realize, we discover ourselves stimulated by one thing, after which phrases come out.” – Joseph Goldstein

Gil Fronsdal covers the subject of dependent origination in BHNN Visitor Podcast Ep. 67

Cultivating Compassion (44:25)

The final location in Joseph’s map of knowledge is cultivating compassion. He talks about how compassion arises once we’re prepared to come back near struggling. Nevertheless it isn’t straightforward to confide in the ache and struggling in our personal lives and on the planet round us. As our compassion grows, we will start to interact with struggling in our world in no matter approach is suitable for ourselves.

“We’re planting the seeds, we’re planting the seeds of compassion. They usually could also be small seeds and small actions.” – Joseph Goldstein

Ram Dass talks concerning the vacancy of compassion in: Right here and Now Ep. 163
Artwork by way of Analogvibestudio

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