Marketing campaign in Assist of a Pastor Jailed in Cuba for his Peaceable Protest


A human rights group dedicated to defending freedom of faith or perception has known as on “everybody who cares about justice” to affix its marketing campaign to safe the discharge of a pastor, detained with out trial for greater than two months in Cuba for collaborating in peaceable protests in opposition to the nation’s Communist regime.

Detained Cuban paster Fajardo and his wife (Facebook)
Detained Pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo and spouse Maridilegnis Carballo (Fb)

The Britain-based group, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) mentioned September 15 that Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo, a Protestant pastor, was transferred to the Boniato Most Safety Jail exterior the province of Santiago de Cuba in August, following his arrest July 11 within the midst of the anti-government protests that erupted within the area.

Fajardo, who leads the Monte de Sion Church and has been a pastor for greater than 20 years, faces fees that embody “disrespect” and “public dysfunction,” that are punishable with three to twenty years imprisonment, CSW mentioned. His spouse, Maridilegnis Carballo, shouldn’t be permitted to go to him and except for just a few three-minute telephone calls along with his household, he has had no communication with the surface world.

The pastor’s 17-year-old son was arrested alongside along with his father however was later launched. Authorities have warned Carballo that her baby will face repercussions if she continues to lift consciousness about her husband’s dismal circumstances.

“She has additionally been threatened with imprisonment herself for chatting with worldwide human rights organizations about her husband’s unjust detention,” in accordance with CSW.

In 2012, authorities confiscated Fajardo’s church property. The couple was ultimately capable of purchase a house, the place 80 to 100 folks worshipped weekly previous to the pastor’s arrest.

The pastor “has now spent over two months in jail in horrible circumstances merely for collaborating in peaceable protests,” says CSW Head of Campaigns Dave Mance. “CSW continues to name for his rapid and unconditional launch, and we urge everybody … to face with us in sending a message to Cuba that the world is watching and that their therapy of Pastor Rosales Fajardo is not going to be tolerated.”


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