My Pregnancy Cravings… – BeautyBeyondBones


I’ll tell you what, the number one question I get asked as a pregnant lady is…are you having any weird food cravings?

Which — to be honest is the question I always asked pregnant women too, because a) it’s fascinating, and b) as I alluded to in last week’s post, that was just about the only thing I knew about pregnancy: weird cravings.

And sure, I’ve had some cravings…but I’m going to be honest: because I have added so many things since expanding the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to include beef, chicken, pork, bacon, turkey, lamb, and lentils and the legal cheeses….that eating has become an adventure in and of itself! So I’ve got so many new things in my repitoire, I don’t really have strong cravings per say…BUT I definitely have foods that I like to enjoy every day. Not just because they taste good, but also because they offer such good nutrients for the baby.

1. Cheesy scrambled eggs.

I eat this every morning with a handful of spinach mixed in. My favorite cheese is a pasture-raised munster cheese. And we’re talking 1/4 of the block of it, freshly shredded. Eggs are the perfect pregnancy food, because they are a great source of choline, which is vital for baby’s development, particularly their brain. I aim for 2-3 eggs per day. That, and it’s a great source of protein, and calcium from the cheese.

2. Dates with cashews

These are just a pure delight. Dates for whatever reason can get a bad wrap from people, but I like to stuff half a date with a raw cashew — and let me tell you — they are like dessert! Bonus points if you microwave it and sprinkle a little cinnamon on it.

Dates are especially beneficial toward the end of pregnancy, because a study found that eating 6 dates per day help soften your cervix to get it ready to give birth, and the study participants had a shorter labor.

That, and they’re a great source of fiber! (And baby ALWAYS kicks after I eat a few. I think she likes the sugar!)


Ok – this one seriously is a craving, and I do try to have it every day, because it is just pure enjoyment.

Stay with me here…2-3 Tbsp organic “peanuts only” peanut butter into a microwave safe little bowl. Add about 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract. Microwave for 1 minute (This “cooks out” the alcohol in the vanilla extract, and alleviates any fear over the trace amount of alcohol in vanilla extract.) Mix that together. Add about 1 tsp raw honey. Mix, and then place in the fridge for about 20 minutes, until the consistency hardens, and it becomes the texture of cookie dough.

Holy cow – this is absolutely delicious. I really have to practice self-control here, because I’ll tell you what, I could eat this until I’m physically uncomfortable! hahah So I try to stick to once a day, 3 Tbsp MAX.

Also — the baby really likes this snack too 🙂

4. Lentil pasta with good olive oil and salt.

Now that I can have lentil pasta, oh my gosh is it now my favorite food! And I love to eat it super plain: with really good olive oil this is my favorite brand — and plenty of sea salt…probably too much.

A sad looking – but delicious – lunch of EVOO pasta, a little ground beef with cheese and lots of roasted Parmesan veggies

I love the flavor of a really fruity Italian olive oil, and the flavor and texture of the pasta…and those together are just blissful. I actually prefer it plain like that, than with some of my delicious sauces: pesto, bolonganse, tomato sauce, etc. Some nights, Steven will have the pasta with a jar of the Carbone Arribiatta sauce, and I’ll just have it plain, and then our protein and vegetable. It’s a win-win all around — and really fast to whip up.

5. Peas

Ok — this one is a little weird, but I love microwaving frozen peas with a slug of olive oil and lots of sea salt. It’s something about the salty, olive-oil-ness of the peas…and their texture. I love it, though I don’t crave it. It’s just one of those fast snacks that sounds good in the moment. Today I even scrambled an egg for a hearty snack.

6. Cold bananas with peanut butter, cinnamon and dates.

But they’ve got to be ice cold from the fridge, and with lots of brown spots.

Other top contenders: my banana ice cream; pad tai; bacon!; chicken sausage with honey (I think I have a sweet tooth); pineapple, cheese by the slice; guacamole; crispy green grapes; banana pancakes with peanut butter and jelly.

I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here.

Those are some of my cravings! What are/were some of yours?