Studying to Belief Once more with Child Blue Eyes Flower Essence



Baby Blue Eyes

Candy Child Blue Eyes! These tiny flowers carpet the bottom in some areas of California and Oregon. I do not see them typically the place I reside however my coronary heart leaps up once I do. They’ve such an air of open innocence. Little blue cups with white facilities open extensive to the sky and appear to mirror the sky proper again and but SO tiny you’ll miss them in the event that they did not typically seem in teams!

As a flower essence Child Blue Eyes helps an individual regain their sense of belief after a betrayal, particularly betrayals by males in your life. It helps an individual really feel like they’re worthy of affection and assist—open to what the universe has to supply—able to drink up and consider once more that the world generally is a supportive benign place.

I simply re-added the scented spray model of Child Blue Eyes flower essence to my store. Unscented sprays and dropper bottles are additionally accessible.