An Inward Journey of Consciousness


The traditional yogis have drawn a map to discover the deepest ranges of our being and to facilitate the inward journey of yoga. This map describes 5 completely different layers or veils of consciousness inside us. Every layer has its personal traits and capabilities and thus requires completely different strategies to expertise and uncover. By cultivating consciousness of those delicate layers, we achieve perception into ourselves by creating a larger consciousness of our interior world. Understanding how the practices of yoga convey the three shariras and the 5 koshas—physique, breath, thoughts, knowledge, and spirit—into concord, not solely promotes total well being and wellness but in addition brings you nearer to the final word intention of yoga, self-realization and enlightenment.

What are the koshas?

Kosha is a Sanskrit phrase translated as layer or sheath. It’s utilized in yoga philosophy to explain the completely different layers of our being. These layers are known as sheaths or veils as a result of they cowl one another, one on prime of one another. Koshas are sometimes in comparison with the picture of a Russian nesting doll or the concentric layers of an onion. The bodily physique is the outermost layer and coarsest sheath of the koshas. The deeper layers embrace the emotional, psychological, and causal our bodies. On the deepest layer of 1’s consciousness is the bliss sheath, which is claimed to comprise our true nature, pure consciousness itself.

The koshas perform is to guard, comprise and assist the atman, the person soul. They assist create a wholesome steadiness among the many varied facets of our persona and supply a possibility to develop compassion and empathy. Once we can clearly see, harmonize and align the layers of the koshas, we then attain the unitive state of yoga, an expertise of oneness with the universe.

What are the shariras?

Sharira is a Sanskrit phrase translated as “physique” and pertains to the three layers of our consciousness. The three shariras are just like the koshas however are a extra simplified system which may be simpler to know. The three our bodies are made up of the 5 koshas, with the second sharira grouping three of the koshas collectively. The three layers or our bodies are:

  1. Sthula Sarira. The outer layer is the bodily physique that eats, breathes and strikes by the need of our ego or ahamkara. The bodily physique consists of our exterior and inner organs of sense and motion which join our Jiva or soul to the exterior world.
  2. Sukshma Sarira. The second layer is the delicate physique that comprises the 4 capabilities of the thoughts and prana, the life drive vitality that flows all through the physique. It consists of the 5 organs of sense, the organs of motion (genitals, anus, palms, legs and speech), the 5 very important breaths, in addition to knowledge and mind.
  3. Karana Sarira. The innermost layer is the causal physique. It’s the seed of the delicate physique and the gross physique. This physique is described as a state of deep sleep, the place the buddhi facet of the thoughts is dormant. Additionally it is the seat of karma, the accrued actions from previous lives that decide our present state of existence. Previous karmas turn out to be saved in samskaras, that are unconscious behavior patterns. This physique holds the keys for us to develop into our highest non secular consciousness.

Origins of the koshas

The idea of getting 5 layers inside our physique appeared within the earliest yogic texts, within the second chapter of the Taittiriya Upanishad. This historical yoga textual content is assumed to have been written through the sixth century B.C. It gives teachings on attaining self-realization—a state the place there isn’t any separation between self and the oneness of your entire universe. That is also referred to as layered Maya idea. Maya interprets as “phantasm.” This idea states that our deepest data, knowledge and non secular understanding is hidden in layers with us.

Fifteen hundred years after the Taittiriya Upanishad, Advaita Vedanta refined these 5 selves into the koshas, the 5 sheaths or coverings that veil the sunshine of our true self or atman. The koshas are imagined as opaque layers that type a barrier from realizing our true nature of bliss and oneness with the universe. Yoga created the instruments to peel again these layers to convey our consciousness deeper and deeper into our our bodies, ultimately reaching the innermost core, the atman.

The 5 koshas

Annamaya Kosha

The outermost layer is our gross bodily physique, the Annamaya kosha. Anna means “meals,” as this sheath feeds our consciousness into the opposite layers and gives the power to maintain the opposite 4 koshas. Our our bodies should be nourished day by day to outlive, develop and develop. We are able to assist this bodily layer by exercising often, sleeping properly and maintaining a healthy diet meals.

The following three layers of the self are thought of to be a part of the delicate physique or suksma-sarira.

Pranamaya Kosha

The following layer throughout the bodily sheath is the vitality physique, the Pranamaya kosha. Prana means “very important vitality” or “life drive vitality” as this energetic layer comprises and regulates the motion of the bodily and psychological energies by the vitality channels (nadis) and vitality facilities (chakras).

We are able to assist this delicate layer by incorporating breath work, chakra activation, and mudras in our asana observe. Pranayamas, historical yogic respiration workouts, are probably the most potent practices for unblocking stagnant vitality and to strengthen and activate prana.

Manomaya Kosha

The following layer in is the psychological physique, the Manamaya kosha. Mana means ”thoughts” as this sheath comprises our psychological ideas and emotional emotions. This kosha governs our psychological exercise, perceptions, beliefs, and behavior patterns. We are able to assist this psychological and emotional layer with common meditation observe and mindfulness methods. Meditation helps you perceive what’s going on inside you and methods to higher management your thoughts and feelings.

Vijnanamaya Kosha

The final layer of the delicate physique is the knowledge physique, the Vijnanamaya kosha. Vijnana means “data” as this sheath comprises instinct, knowledge, and witness consciousness. On this kosha we’re indifferent from ideas, ego, and sense of self. We are able to assist the knowledge sheath by deep meditation, the observe of detachment, and the methods of Jnana yoga.

Anadamaya Kosha

The final kosha that straight covers the True Self is the bliss physique, the Anandamaya kosha. Ananda means “bliss” as this sheath comprises the pure unchanging happiness, pleasure, love, peace and ecstasy that’s discovered right here on the deepest and innermost layer of our being. These aren’t merely emotions, however a state of being that has at all times existed but has been buried by the opposite koshas. Behind this skinny delicate layer resides the pure consciousness of our True Self.

The bliss physique is the place of everlasting happiness. When you find yourself related to this physique, you are feeling lightness, ease, contentment, and at last, an amazing never-ending Pleasure. We are able to connect with this layer by the observe of bhakti yoga.

Exploring the 5 koshas

The koshas serve each as a information for the deeper practices of yoga and as a map for our non secular journey. The trail of yoga is considered one of progressively shifting inward, by every of the koshas, to expertise the radiance of the True Self. On the similar time, yoga permits this interior radiance to shine by our individuality.

At first of yoga observe, the first focus is on Annamaya Kosha, the alignment and bodily sensations of the bodily physique. As soon as we’ve related, aligned and harmonized this kosha, we will then start to make use of the breath as a bridge into the Pranamaya kosha, connecting with the vitality manifesting within the physique. Specializing in the physique, breath and the vitality absorbs the thoughts and the ideas diminish, permitting the Manamaya kosha to calmed, balanced and harmonized. Now we will discover the Vijnanamaya kosha to entry our instinct and interior knowledge. Lastly, we transfer by the primary 4 layers and style the bliss, ecstasy and pleasure of the Anandamaya kosha. True enlightenment occurs when all of the koshas turn out to be refined and aligned to expertise absorption within the oneness of our True Self.

Advantages of exploring the koshas

Once we perceive the 5 koshas of the human physique, we start to see how every layer impacts us individually and collectively. We turn out to be conscious of the layers of our personal being and the way they work together with others. By consciously exploring the koshas, we additionally strengthen our means to acknowledge them in different individuals and conditions. Exploring the koshas helps us:

  • Develop into extra aware and conscious of our ideas, emotions, and actions
  • Study in regards to the relationship between our bodily, emotional, psychological, and non secular selves
  • Create a clearer path and goal for our non secular journey
  • Expertise the ability of transformation and self-inquiry
  • Softens and dissolves the ego-mind’s selfishness, greed, anger, and jealousy.
  • Strengthens psychological focus and focus
  • Have a transparent sense of heart to higher navigate your interior self.
  • Acquire an understanding of the true nature of actuality
  • Really feel empowered and related to the universe
  • Transfer towards experiencing highly effective states of Self-realization and enlightenment

Integrating the koshas

All 5 layers of self are interdependent and related. The practices of Yoga assist convey all of the koshas and the shariras into concord. Once we peal away the outermost layer, we turn out to be conscious of the following layer beneath it. As we peel away the layers, we uncover the reality of who we actually are. As these deep truths come up, we should combine them into our sense of self. This integration requires persistence, humility, belief, and give up. It takes time to domesticate the knowledge to know when to maneuver deeper and when to cease and combine.